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Dev Diary #1 - Economy Part 1

The most important thing for a country is to have a stable economy, with stable economy countries can gain world influence, military power and become a worldwide superpower.
World Warfare & Economics will present very highly detailed economy with all the major structure that create stable economies - Inflation rates, consuming prices, interest rates, currencies strength, stock markets, trades and a lot more.

As in real life World Warfare & Economics will have all sectors that exists: Health, Security, Education, Research, Welfare, Sports, Tourism, Housing, Transportation, Environment, Media and Leisure.

Player will be able to modify each sector by building\dismantle facilities, modify laws and activate\deactivate policies related. Each sector will have is own unique structure to follow, so Health sector will have sickness rate that calculated by the level of treatment your country capable to provide the citizens and by your country pollution.

You can increase your manpower with each sector by building dedicated facilities,
For example: health universities to produce more doctors.

Players will need to fulfil sectors demands, each sector will demand different type of things.
Education will demand school seats to have higher education score.
In order to fulfil each sector demands each sector will have his own facilities that the player will need to increase to fulfil the demands of the sector.

While the economy is decreasing and losing stability player can dismantle some facilities to decrease the budget and expenses.



Currency is the physical money in an economy, comprising the coins and paper notes in circulation.
All 180 currencies in the world will be presented in World Warfare & Economics, currencies have value range (0-100) while 100 is the most powerful currency in the world.
Players can increase their currency value by stabilize their inflation rate, high inflation rate oscillation will cause currencies value to decrease just as in real life.
Player can also create monetary unions to implement one currency for multiple countries (like the Euro) in that case currency value will be calculated by the average inflation rates of the countries who use this currency.



In order to increase country revenues and incomes player can change various of taxes within the country.
Taxes have major impact on citizens happiness and cost of living so player should be very careful before changing any tax or else the player will face serious consequences such as riots, strikes and more.​

Taxes are also major part of the migration mechanics, if you want to increase your population and wish to attract more citizens worldwide you need low taxes so citizens will actaully earn more money while staying at your country.
Taxes are changed through votes in democratic countries, so in order to pass taxes votes - taxes need to be compatible with other political parties ideologies.


Thank you for reading it and being part of the community !

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